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The Robinson projection is a popular map projection that was created in 1963 by American cartographer, Arthur H. Robinson. This projection is designed to minimize distortion in areas near the equator while maintaining overall balance in the rest of the map. The Robinson projection is often used for world maps and is known for its ability to present a more accurate view of the planet's continents and ocean patterns.

One of the main advantages of the Robinson projection is that it avoids the extreme distortion of areas near the poles that is often seen in other map projections. This projection also helps to minimize the overall loss of area in regions close to the equator, making it an ideal choice for world maps. In addition, the Robinson projection is often used in geography and geology textbooks, as it provides a clearer picture of the Earth's topographical features.

Despite its popularity, the Robinson projection is not without its limitations. This projection does have some degree of distortion in areas far from the equator, particularly near the poles. Robinson projection does not provide a true representation of the size of countries and continents. However, this is a trade-off for its overall balance and accuracy in areas near the equator.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Robinson Projection:


  1. Minimizes distortion in areas near the equator.
  2. Provides a clearer view of the Earth's topographical features.
  3. Ideal for world maps and geography textbooks.
  4. Maintains overall balance in the rest of the map.
  5. Avoids extreme distortion of areas near the poles.


  1. Some degree of distortion in areas far from the equator, particularly near the poles.
  2. Does not provide a true representation of the size of countries and continents.
  3. Trade-off for overall balance and accuracy in areas near the equator.

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  5. Use Mind maps to read and revise faster during last minute preparations.

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