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[1] What is the maximum range of a wireless personal area network (WPAN)?

a) 100 meters

b) 50 meters

c) 10 meters

d) 5 meters

[2] Which of the following technologies is commonly used in WPANs?

a) Wi-Fi

b) Bluetooth

c) Ethernet

d) USB

[3] WPANs are typically used for which of the following purposes?

a) Connecting devices in a home network

b) Connecting devices in a large office network

c) Connecting devices in a public hotspot

d) Connecting devices in a vehicle

[4] Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a WPAN?

a) Low power consumption

b) Short-range communication

c) High data transfer rates

d) Long-range communication

[5] Which of the following is NOT a type of WPAN?

a) Zigbee

b) Z-Wave

c) Wi-Fi

d) Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

[6] Which of the following devices can be connected to a WPAN?

a) Smartphones

b) Tablets

c) Laptops

d) All of the above

[7] What is the main advantage of using a WPAN over other types of networks?

a) Increased security

b) Higher data transfer rates

c) Longer range communication

d) Lower power consumption

[8] Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a WPAN?

a) Increased connectivity between devices

b) Reduced interference from other wireless devices

c) High data transfer rates

d) Increased privacy

[9] Which of the following is NOT a common use case for WPANs?

a) Connecting a headset to a smartphone

b) Connecting a smartwatch to a smartphone

c) Connecting a security camera to a router

d) Connecting a printer to a computer

[10] Which of the following is NOT a standard for WPANs?

a) Zigbee

b) Z-Wave

c) Ethernet

d) Bluetooth


[1] B (50 meters)

[2] B (Bluetooth)

[3] A (Connecting devices in a home network)

[4] D (Long-range communication)

[5] C (Wi-Fi)

[6] D (All of the above)

[7] D (Lower power consumption)

[8] C (High data transfer rates)

[9] C (Connecting a security camera to a router)

[10] C (Ethernet)

Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) is a type of wireless network that is used to connect devices within a small area, typically within 50 meters. Bluetooth is a common technology used in WPANs and they are typically used for connecting devices in a home network. WPANs are characterized by low power consumption, short-range communication, and low data transfer rates. Zigbee, Z-Wave, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are examples of WPANs. The main advantage of using a WPAN is lower power consumption. Ethernet is not a standard for WPANs.

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