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[1] What type of malware is known as Ransomware?

a) Adware

b) Trojan

c) Worm

d) Virus

[2] What is the primary goal of Ransomware?

a) To steal personal information

b) To disrupt computer operations

c) To encrypt files and demand payment for the decryption key

d) To spread to other computers

[3] What is the term used to describe the process of paying the ransom to regain access to encrypted files?

a) Ransom Payment

b) Decryption

c) File Recovery

d) Extortion

[4] What is the most common method used to deliver Ransomware to a computer?

a) Email attachments

b) Social media links

c) Malicious websites

d) All of the above

[5] How can a computer become infected with Ransomware?

a) Opening a suspicious email attachment

b) Downloading an infected file from the internet

c) Visiting a compromised website

d) All of the above

[6] What is the best way to protect a computer from Ransomware?

a) Installing anti-virus software

b) Keeping software and operating system up-to-date

c) Regularly backing up important files

d) All of the above

[7] What is the most common method used by Ransomware to encrypt files?

a) RSA encryption

b) AES encryption

c) Blowfish encryption

d) None of the above

[8] What is the name of the famous Ransomware attack that affected the UK National Health Service in 2017?

a) WannaCry

b) Locky

c) Petya

d) Cryptolocker

[9] How can Ransomware be removed from an infected computer?

a) By paying the ransom

b) By restoring from a backup

c) By using specialized removal software

d) None of the above

[10] What is the best way to avoid falling victim to Ransomware attacks?

a) Not clicking on suspicious links or attachments

b) Keeping software and operating system up-to-date

c) Regularly backing up important files

d) All of the above


    1.     c) Worm
    2.     c) To encrypt files and demand payment for the decryption key
    3.     a) Ransom Payment
    4.     d) All of the above
    5.     d) All of the above
    6.     d) All of the above
    7.     b) AES encryption
    8.     a) WannaCry
    9.     b) By restoring from a backup
    10.     d) All of the above

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