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[1] What is the primary objective of NASA's Curiosity mission on Mars?

a) To search for water on Mars

b) To search for signs of past or present life on Mars

c) To study the geology and climate of Mars

d) To test new technology for future missions

[2] What type of rover was used in the Curiosity mission?

a) A wheeled rover

b) A tracked rover

c) A hover rover

d) A combination of wheeled and tracked rover

[3] What type of instruments does the Curiosity rover carry on its mission?

a) Cameras and spectrometers

b) Radios and communication equipment

c) Sample collection and analysis tools

d) All of the above

[4] How long was the Curiosity mission originally planned for?

a) 1 year

b) 2 years

c) 3 years

d) 4 years

[5] What was the launch date of the Curiosity mission?

a) July 2011

b) November 2011

c) December 2011

d) January 2012

[6] What was the method of landing used for the Curiosity rover on Mars?

a) Parachute and airbags

b) Rocket-powered descent

c) Sky crane

d) All of the above

[7] What is the name of the crater that the Curiosity rover landed in on Mars?

a) Gale Crater

b) Valles Marineris

c) Olympus Mons

d) Hellas Planitia

[8] What was the primary target of the Curiosity rover's exploration in Gale Crater?

a) The base of Mount Sharp

b) The Gale lake bed

c) The northern rim of the crater

d) The southern rim of the crater

[9] What significant discovery was made by the Curiosity rover in its mission?

a) Evidence of past water on Mars

b) Evidence of past microbial life on Mars

c) Evidence of past volcanic activity on Mars

d) All of the above

[10] What type of nuclear power source is used to power the Curiosity rover?

a) Solar panels

b) Fuel cells

c) Radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG)

d) Lithium-ion batteries


    1.     c
    2.     d
    3.     d
    4.     c
    5.     b
    6.     c
    7.     a
    8.     a
    9.     d
    10.     c

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