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[1] What is the main objective of the SLV-3 program?

a) To develop a reusable launch vehicle

b) To launch satellites into orbit

c) To conduct scientific experiments in space

d) To test new propulsion systems

[2] Which organization is responsible for the development of the SLV-3 program?





[3] The SLV-3 program was first launched in which year?

a) 1980

b) 1983

c) 1986

d) 1989

[4] How many stages does the SLV-3 launch vehicle have?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

[5] What is the maximum payload capacity of the SLV-3 launch vehicle?

a) 50 kg

b) 100 kg

c) 150 kg

d) 200 kg

[6] What type of satellite is typically launched by the SLV-3 launch vehicle?

a) Communications satellites

b) Earth observation satellites

c) Navigation satellites

d) All of the above

[7] What is the primary propulsion system used in the SLV-3 launch vehicle?

a) Solid rocket motor

b) Liquid rocket motor

c) Hybrid rocket motor

d) Solar electric propulsion

[8] How many successful launches has the SLV-3 program conducted?

a) 10

b) 15

c) 20

d) 25

[9] What is the typical altitude at which the SLV-3 launch vehicle places its payloads into orbit?

a) Low Earth orbit

b) Medium Earth orbit

c) Geostationary orbit

d) Lunar orbit

[10] What is the primary benefit of the SLV-3 program for India?

a) Improved satellite launch capabilities

b) Reduced dependence on foreign launch services

c) Increased participation in international space collaborations

d) All of the above


    1. b) To launch satellites into orbit
    2. b) ISRO
    3. b) 1983
    4. c) 3
    5. a) 50 kg
    6. d) All of the above
    7. a) Solid rocket motor
    8. c) 20
    9. a) Low Earth orbit
    10. d) All of the above

    The SLV-3 program has enabled India to independently launch satellites into orbit, reducing its dependence on foreign launch services. Additionally, it has improved India's satellite launch capabilities and increased its participation in international space collaborations.

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