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[1] What is the primary function of CCTV?

a) To deter crime

b) To monitor traffic

c) To provide entertainment

d) To assist in scientific research

[2] What type of camera is typically used in CCTV systems?

a) Analog

b) Digital

c) Infrared

d) Ultrasonic

[3] What is the main benefit of CCTV systems in public spaces?

a) Reduced crime rates

b) Increased traffic flow

c) Improved customer service

d) Increased revenue

[4] What is the difference between a wired and wireless CCTV system?

a) Wired systems are more expensive

b) Wireless systems are more secure

c) Wired systems have a longer range

d) Wireless systems are easier to install

[5] What is the purpose of a CCTV control room?

a) To monitor live footage from cameras

b) To store recorded footage

c) To operate the cameras remotely

d) All of the above

[6] What is the typical resolution of CCTV cameras?

a) 1080p

b) 720p

c) 480p

d) 360p

[7] What type of lighting is typically used in CCTV systems?

a) Incandescent

b) LED

c) Fluorescent

d) Halogen

[8] What is the difference between a dome and bullet camera in CCTV systems?

a) Dome cameras have a wider field of view

b) Bullet cameras are more discreet

c) Dome cameras are more durable

d) Bullet cameras have better zoom capabilities

[9] What is the purpose of a CCTV recorder?

a) To store live footage

b) To retrieve recorded footage

c) To operate the cameras remotely

d) To transmit footage to a control room

[10] What is the main drawback of CCTV systems?

a) Privacy concerns

b) High cost

c) Limited range

d) Maintenance requirements


    1. a) To deter crime
    2. b) Digital
    3. a) Reduced crime rates
    4. d) Wireless systems are easier to install
    5. d) All of the above
    6. a) 1080p
    7. b) LED
    8. a) Dome cameras have a wider field of view
    9. b) To retrieve recorded footage
    10. a) Privacy concerns

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