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To calculate a percentage, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the Value: Identify the value or quantity you want to calculate the percentage of. Let's call this value "A".
  2. Determine the Total or Reference Value: Determine the total or reference value to which you want to calculate the percentage. Let's call this value "B".
  3. Divide Value A by Value B: Divide the value you want to calculate the percentage of (Value A) by the total or reference value (Value B).
  4. Multiply by 100: Multiply the result from step 3 by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

The formula can be summarized as:

Percentage = (Value A / Value B) * 100

Here are a few examples to illustrate how to calculate percentages:

Example 1:

You scored 85 marks out of 100 on a test. What is your percentage score?

Percentage = (85 / 100) * 100 = 85%

Example 2:

You bought a product that was originally priced at $50 but was discounted to $40. What is the percentage discount?

Percentage = [(Original Price - Discounted Price) / Original Price] * 100

Percentage = [(50 - 40) / 50] * 100 = 20%

Example 3:

You want to calculate what percentage 25 is of 80.

Percentage = (25 / 80) * 100 = 31.25%

These are the basic steps to calculate a percentage. Remember to adjust the formula based on the specific context and values you are working with.