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Once a message is deleted on WhatsApp, it is generally not possible to retrieve it directly within the app. WhatsApp does not provide a built-in feature to view deleted messages. When someone deletes a message, it is removed from your chat history, and you won't be able to access it anymore.

However, there are some instances where you might still have a chance to view deleted messages:

Backup Files: If you have enabled WhatsApp's auto-backup feature, you may be able to restore deleted messages from a previous backup. Uninstall WhatsApp from your phone, reinstall it, and during the setup process, choose the option to restore from backup. Keep in mind that this will replace your current chats with the backup, so any messages received after the backup will be lost.

Notification Log (Android Only): On Android devices, there is a system notification log that stores recent notifications, including those from WhatsApp. However, accessing the notification log is not available by default on all Android versions and devices. You can try the following steps:

  • Long-press on your home screen and select "Widgets" (or "Widgets and Apps" on some devices).
  • Look for the "Settings" widget and drag it to your home screen.
  • In the settings widget, scroll down and tap on "Notification log."
  • Locate the WhatsApp notifications and check if the deleted messages are visible.

Note that the notification log may only store a limited number of recent notifications, and it may not display the entire content of the deleted messages.

Third-Party Apps: There are third-party apps available on app stores that claim to recover deleted WhatsApp messages. However, exercise caution when using such apps, as they may not always be reliable, may violate WhatsApp's terms of service, or compromise your privacy and security.

It's important to remember that respecting the privacy of other users and their decision to delete messages is essential. Even if there are ways to potentially view deleted messages, it is generally considered inappropriate and invasive to try to retrieve someone's deleted messages without their consent.