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Political Ideology



A political ideology that emphasizes the importance of agriculture and rural life, and seeks to promote the interests of farmers and rural communities.


A political ideology that emphasizes white nationalism, anti-immigrant sentiments, and opposition to progressive social and political movements.


A political philosophy that advocates for the abolition of all forms of government and the establishment of a society based on voluntary association and cooperation.


A political ideology that opposes the capitalist economic system and its effects on society, including wealth inequality, exploitation of workers, and environmental degradation.


A political ideology that emphasizes the importance of a strong, centralized government and the subordination of individual freedom to the state.


An economic and political system in which private individuals, rather than the state, own and control the means of production and distribution of goods and services.


A political ideology that seeks to balance different political ideologies and values, avoiding extremism and seeking compromise and cooperation.

Christian democracy

A political ideology that seeks to promote Christian values and principles in politics and society, with a focus on social justice, individual freedom, and limited government.


A political ideology that emphasizes the collective ownership and control of resources and the distribution of goods and services based on need.


A political and economic ideology that aims to create a classless society in which the means of production and distribution are owned and controlled by the community as a whole.


A political ideology that values traditional social and cultural norms, limited government intervention, and a free market economy.


A political ideology that seeks to maintain traditional values and institutions and limit the role of government in social and economic affairs.


A political ideology that emphasizes the importance of a written constitution and the rule of law in limiting the power of the state and protecting individual rights and freedoms.


A political system in which the state partners with corporate and business interests, often at the expense of individual freedoms and workers' rights.


A political system in which the people have a say in the selection of their leaders and the formation of government policies, through the exercise of free and fair elections.

Democratic socialism

A political ideology that seeks to combine democratic principles with socialist economics, emphasizing the importance of workers' rights, collective ownership, and democratic control of the means of production.

Direct Democracy

A political system in which citizens participate directly in decision-making, rather than electing representatives to make decisions on their behalf.


A political ideology that emphasizes the widespread distribution of property and the decentralization of economic power, with the goal of reducing wealth inequality and promoting social justice.


A political ideology that emphasizes the importance of protecting the natural environment and promoting sustainable development, often through government intervention.


A political ideology that seeks to protect and preserve the environment and promote sustainable practices.


A political ideology that emphasizes the cultural, linguistic, and ethnic heritage of a particular nation and seeks to preserve these distinct qualities. It is often associated with nationalist movements.

Fabian Socialism

A political ideology that emphasizes gradual and peaceful reforms, as opposed to revolution, in order to create a more equal and just society.


A political ideology that emphasizes the importance of nationalism, corporatism, and authoritarianism and seeks to establish a one-party dictatorship with a strong leader.


A political ideology that seeks to promote equal rights and opportunities for women and to challenge gender-based inequalities and discrimination.

Green politics

A political ideology that seeks to protect the environment and promote sustainability through government intervention and regulation.


A political ideology that emphasizes the importance of human values, dignity, and rights, and seeks to create a society that promotes individual freedom and well-being.


A political ideology that seeks to extend a country's political, economic, and cultural influence over other countries, often through military conquest or colonization.


A political ideology that emphasizes the importance of individual rights and freedoms, and the ability of individuals to pursue their own goals and interests.

Left-wing Populism

A political ideology that emphasizes the power of the people and seeks to mobilize support from the working class and marginalized groups in order to promote social justice and equality.

Liberal conservatism

A political ideology that seeks to balance individual freedom and a free market economy with conservative social values and a limited role for government.


A political ideology that emphasizes individual freedom, limited government, and a free market economy, with a focus on social and economic progress.


A political philosophy that emphasizes individual freedom, limited government, and a free market economy.


A political ideology based on the ideas of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, emphasizing the importance of class struggle, revolution, and the establishment of a socialist state.


A political ideology that seeks to establish a minimal state that provides only the essential functions necessary for individual freedom and the protection of property rights.


A political ideology that supports the rule of a monarch or a hereditary ruler, with a focus on traditional social and cultural values


A political ideology that emphasizes cooperative ownership and control of the means of production, with the goal of creating a more equal and equitable society.

National Socialism

A political ideology that emphasizes the unity of the nation and the national identity, with the goal of creating a centralized state and economy. It is often associated with the Nazi regime in Germany during World War II.

National Syndicalism

A political ideology that combines elements of nationalism and syndicalism, with the goal of promoting the interests of workers and the nation as a whole.


A political ideology that emphasizes the importance of national identity, unity, and cultural values and seeks to promote the interests of the nation and its people.


A political ideology that emphasizes individualism and market-based solutions, often with a focus on reducing government intervention and regulation.


A political ideology that combines conservative social values with a hawkish foreign policy, a focus on national security, and a commitment to free market capitalism.


A political ideology that emphasizes the importance of free market capitalism and limited government intervention, with a focus on economic efficiency and growth.


A political ideology that emphasizes the continuing relevance of Marxist theory and applies it to contemporary political and economic issues.

New Deal Liberalism

A political ideology that emphasizes government intervention in the economy to promote social welfare and create jobs, with the goal of reducing poverty and income inequality. It is named after President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs in the 1930s.

New Labour

A political ideology associated with the Labour Party in the UK that seeks to balance market-oriented policies with social justice and equality.


A political ideology based on the ideas of Ayn Rand, emphasizing individualism, laissez-faire capitalism, and limited government intervention.

One-Party Rule

A political system in which a single party has a monopoly on political power, with no opposition parties allowed. It is often associated with authoritarian regimes.


A political ideology that emphasizes traditional conservative values, such as limited government, states' rights, and social conservatism, often in opposition to more progressive and modern conservative movements.


A political ideology named after former Argentine President Juan Perón, that emphasizes the importance of the state in promoting social justice, workers' rights, and economic nationalism.

Popular Democracy

A political system in which the people are seen as the source of political power, with decisions made through the participation of all citizens.


A political ideology that seeks to mobilize the general population, particularly those who feel excluded or marginalized, to bring about political change.


A political ideology that seeks to reform society and promote progress through government intervention, regulation, and social reforms.


A political ideology that emphasizes practical considerations and the pursuit of national interests, as opposed to idealistic or moralistic considerations.

Religious fundamentalism

A political ideology that emphasizes the strict adherence to a particular religious doctrine and seeks to influence politics and society in accordance with religious beliefs.


A political system in which the head of state is elected by the people and the powers of government are limited by a constitution.

Right-wing Populism

A political ideology that emphasizes the power of the common people against what is perceived as a corrupt and elitist establishment, often promoting nationalist and anti-immigrant sentiments.


A political ideology that emphasizes the separation of religion and state, and the protection of individual freedom of conscience and belief.


A political ideology that seeks the separation of a particular group or region from the larger state or nation, often for cultural, ethnic, or political reasons.

Social democracy

A political ideology that seeks to balance economic and social equality with a market-based economy, with a focus on progressive reforms and a welfare state.


A political and economic system that aims to distribute wealth and resources more equally and to provide collective ownership and control of the means of production and distribution.

Third Way

A political ideology that seeks a middle ground between traditional left-wing and right-wing ideologies, emphasizing the importance of balancing economic growth and social justice.


A political system in which the state has complete control over all aspects of society, including the economy, media, and individual freedoms, with the goal of maintaining a centralized and uniform society.


A political ideology that emphasizes the role of the working class in the revolution and the establishment of a socialist state. It is named after the Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky.

Current Affairs

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