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[1] What is the main purpose of virtual reality technology?

a) To create realistic simulations of real-world environments

b) To enhance the gaming experience

c) To improve communication and collaboration in remote teams

d) To enhance the visual effects of movies and television shows

[2] Which of the following is not a component of virtual reality technology?

a) Head-mounted display

b) Audio feedback

c) Keyboard and mouse

d) Motion tracking sensors

[3] Which type of virtual reality system allows the user to interact with and manipulate virtual objects?

a) Non-immersive VR

b) Semi-immersive VR

c) Fully-immersive VR

d) None of the above

[4] Which of the following is not a common use case for virtual reality technology?

a) Training and education

b) Entertainment and gaming

c) Medical and therapeutic applications

d) Time travel

[5] Which technology is used to track a user's movements in virtual reality?

a) GPS

b) Augmented reality

c) Motion tracking sensors

d) Virtual reality headset

[6] Which of the following is a disadvantage of virtual reality technology?

a) High cost of equipment and software

b) Risk of motion sickness

c) Limited availability of content

d) All of the above

[7] What is the term used to describe the feeling of being in a virtual environment?

a) Presence

b) Immersion

c) Virtuality

d) Realism

[8] What is the term used to describe the ability to interact with virtual objects in a virtual environment?

a) Interactivity

b) Interaction

c) Manipulation

d) All of the above

[9] Which type of virtual reality system is typically used for gaming and entertainment?

a) Non-immersive VR

b) Semi-immersive VR

c) Fully-immersive VR

d) None of the above

[10] Which type of virtual reality system is typically used for training and education?

a) Non-immersive VR

b) Semi-immersive VR

c) Fully-immersive VR

d) None of the above


[1] A - To create realistic simulations of real-world environments

[2] C - Keyboard and mouse

[3] C - Fully-immersive VR

[4] D - Time travel

[5] C - Motion tracking sensors

[6] D - All of the above

[7] A - Presence

[8] D - All of the above

[9] C - Fully-immersive VR

[10] C - Fully-immersive VR

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